Kevin Calvey

How Social Media Impact Your Mental Health – Social media are inextricably linked to everyday life, particularly in the present. You may connect with individuals from all around the world via social media. In other words, social media connects folks who are otherwise invisible.

Unfortunately, social media is not always beneficial. Other negative consequences can occur, one of which is mental health issues.

Because social media may be a double-edged weapon, it is critical to utilize it wisely. That way, you may benefit from technology advancements while maintaining your mental health.

There are various reasons why social media might be harmful to one’s mental health, including:

Loss of Confidence

The influence of social media on mental health is tied to self-esteem. What is the connection between the two?

Using social media, you commit to “friending” anybody you choose. It’s not uncommon for you to feel uneasy or insecure when your social media friend post photographs of their lavish lifestyles.

Creates Envy

Research by the University of Copenhagen revealed that many social media users suffer “Facebook envy” or “Facebook jealousy.”

According to research, this disease is linked to social envy and low self-esteem, which can lead to melancholy.

Jeopardize Relationships with the Closest People

Humans, being social beings, are always in need of genuine assistance from others. However, suppose you are simply attracted to the rectangle screen, which only includes “friends” from cyberspace. In that case, it becomes very difficult to comprehend.

Just imagine, when you are exclusively obsessed with social media and the virtual world to the point of forgetting everything in real life, it is not inconceivable that one day you will find yourself genuinely “alone.”

This can occur if you do not engage with people in your real-world setting.

Furthermore, according to a University of Michigan research, the detrimental consequence of utilizing social media too often promotes a tendency to feel melancholy.

According to the research team, surfing Facebook without knowing the time would only provide brief enjoyment and little satisfaction in living life.

This phenomenon is linked to feelings of social isolation due to the usage of the social media platform Facebook.

Sleep Disruption

Do you spend most of your time on social media reading through timelines? Beware, a sleep disruption awaits you!

This effect might arise because the smartphone you use to browse social media produces blue light. According to Harvard Medical School, this blue light can lower melatonin levels, the hormone that governs sleep.

Sleep deprivation can cause a variety of health concerns in its severe phases. Anxiety disorders and depression are two of them.

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Feeling the Pressure to Be Perfect

What is presented on social media might appear flawless, with no blemishes. However, difficulties likely exist in real life that is not disclosed on social media.

Social media appears to demand that we maintain our immaculate lives. Finally, this might have an impact on your mental health.

When you realize that social media has the potential to create mental health difficulties, you should limit your usage of it. The maximum time you should spend on social media in one day is two hours.

Use social media with caution. As a result, you won’t be drawn into the “dark side” of social networking, which can lead to mental health issues.

Duration Has an Impact on Mental Health Risk

According to a 2018 Pew Research Center poll, the three most popular social media sites among adolescents are YouTube (used by 85 percent of teens), Instagram (72 percent), and Snapchat (69 percent). According to a 2018 survey published by GlobalWebIndex, persons aged 16 to 24 spend an average of three hours each day on social media.

According to research published in the journal JAMA Psychiatry, kids who spend more than three hours per day on social media are at a higher risk of mental health problems, particularly difficulties with internalization, often known as self-image.

Social media positively impacts children and adolescents, whether teaching social skills, establishing connections, or simply having fun. However, persistent use of these platforms can have severe consequences, particularly for young users’ mental health and well-being.

How does social media use affect teenage mental health? Teenagers are also subjected to unfair abuse on social media. According to a 2018 Pew Research Center poll of teenagers in the United States (US), one in every six has encountered at least one of six types of online bullying behaviour ranging from

  • Calling people names (42 percent).
  • Spreading misleading information (32 percent).
  • Accepting unwanted explicit photographs (25 percent).
  • Experiencing physical threats (16 percent).

What aggravates the situation is when kids consider terrible things that happen on social media as typical and as “risks” of using social media. If this is continued to be justified, it may lead to much more significant issues.

It is not unthinkable that kids who have been victims of internet harassment may do the same to others. Smart social media use is an attempt to protect oneself from the detrimental consequences of social media usage on mental health.

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Keeping Your Mental Health While Using Social Media

Efforts to avoid the harmful impacts of teens using social media begin with teaching them about the hazards that social media presents. Another useful strategy is to guarantee that kids’ social media use positively influences their lives.

According to a study published in the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, college students who limited their time on Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat to 10 minutes each day for 30 minutes on all social media had a more favourable self-image.

After three weeks, students who curtailed their social media use to 30 minutes each day reported decreased melancholy and loneliness. Furthermore, there is an improvement in mood, which lowers the amount of depression.

Teenagers typically use social media to compare themselves to others. This can be detrimental to a positive self-image. Many women believe they look horrible when they see how others seem on social media.

The most difficult task for today’s parents is ensuring that their children use social media responsibly. Adolescents’ social media use habits frequently mirror those of their parents.

According information from, children will spend more time online if their parents spend more time on electronics and rarely involve them in real-world activities.

Podcasting Changing The Future of Audio Entertainment – Podcasts are quickly becoming a popular modern medium among netizens and individuals worldwide. Who would have guessed that the notion employed in podcasts is frequently used on radio stations? As a result, it is not unexpected that podcasts are sometimes referred to as today’s radio platforms, particularly as an audio medium of communication and entertainment.

The name podcast originates from the phrases “iPod” and “broadcasting.” Apple has played a significant part in popularizing audio blogging and making it more accessible to the general public. One of the benefits of podcasts is their accessibility and flexibility.

The more prevalent and simple it is for individuals to create podcasts, the more you may become inquisitive and want to learn more. Read the entire article to know more about podcast!

Podcast Origins and History

Every day, the number of podcasts increases. Apple Podcasts reports that the podcast’s more than 2 million shows and 48 million episodes are expanding exponentially. Even though the name “podcast” only debuted in the early 2000s, the notion of podcasting has been around for a long time.

Before the internet, there existed a phrase that essentially meant the same thing as a podcast: audio blogging. This idea dates back to the early 1980s. It lets many people communicate their opinions and experiences with others through audio recordings.

Unfortunately, audio blogging did not last long, owing to a lack of distribution channels. The expansion of the media then put an end to audio blogging for nearly 20 years.

The iPod, Apple’s first portable gadget for listening to music, was introduced in October 2001. This basic beginning resulted in a revolution in the music industry. The iPod’s appearance also simplifies moving audio blogging to an MP3 device.

Following the introduction and popularity of the word podcast, the first podcast service provider, or Liberated Syndication, was founded at the end of 2004. Before the end of 2004, the podcast phrase appeared in 100,000 Google searches.

Apple officially launched a podcasting option in their iTunes Music Library in 2005. During an interview at D3, Steve Jobs explained how anybody could use their Mac to produce their podcast and share it with anyone they wanted.

Podcasts began to capture the interest of a large number of individuals. The podcast was selected “Word of the Year” by the New Oxford American Dictionary shortly after that, in the same year. This boosts podcasts’ status as a new media trend that has been and will be devoured by the general people at their fingertips.

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The Advantages of Listening to Podcasts

Even though many other types of information and entertainment media are available today, podcasts provide many advantages. What are the advantages of podcasting?

1. Accompany you during your regular activities

Unlike viewing television, which needs you to concentrate on your eyes and ears, podcasts may be listened to while doing anything. You may listen to podcasts while driving to work, exercising, cooking, or doing other domestic duties. This will allow you to perform two things at once more easily.

2. Limit Screen Time

The average American watches television for 8 hours every day. Viewing television or other forms of audio-visual media might affect the eyes. Too much staring might also make our eyes fatigued.

The advantage of podcasts over audio-visual media is that they may be used as an alternate form of entertainment that does not induce visual stress like watching television. Several studies have found that our brain is more engaged when we listen to a podcast than when we watch television.

Why? Because we will use our imagination to visualize what we hear if we only listen. This is unquestionably preferable to being ‘fed’ video visual presentations from televisions and other screens.

3. Gain New Information Directly from Experts

Today, there is a wide range of podcasts with an increasing number of subjects and episodes. As a result, podcasts are an excellent medium for acquiring various skills. Hosts with a background in their subject might provide you with new ideas and expertise.

Today, podcast subjects range from sports to lifestyle, psychology, humor, horror, and many more. So, if you don’t enjoy reading books, podcasts might be a fun method to keep learning.

Tips for Creating Creative and Interesting Podcasts

1. Conduct Research

When starting with a podcast, it’s easy to overlook this one detail. Research. Why is research so necessary, if not vital? Because you must be completely knowledgeable on the subject, you wish to discuss. For example, suppose you wish to discuss ways to heal stomach acid.

Of course, you must be aware of some of the elements that contribute to the spread of this disease in the body. Is it a result of one’s lifestyle, food, or stress?

Well, not if you truly need to know everything about this subject, from the most sophisticated to the most fundamental. So that your listeners believe and gain information or advantages after finishing your podcast.

2. Write a Script

The second barrier new podcast makers typically face a desire to record and talk into the mic as soon as possible. Wait a second. Scriptwriting is a common practice in the world of broadcasting. So, make sure you’ve finished writing the screenplay before starting to record and talk into the microphone. So that while speaking, it is more neat and coherent.

3. Be Yourself

When recording a podcast, you should just be yourself. Because, in this digital age, there are many podcasts dispersed on social media, you must have the bravery to demonstrate who you truly are. Remember, you don’t have to be someone else at this stage.

Because you were born with your unique charm. Because, in the end, it is your personality that will lead you to meet dedicated podcast listeners. So, develop your own personality instead of trying to be someone else.

Bottom Line

According information, podcasts are now a part of life. Although they are somewhat different from radio, podcasts provide interesting information in easy listening and engaging audio.

In terms of usefulness, podcasts provide space for people to learn more simply and easily through hearing. You can listen to podcasts while working, that means you can study as well as work.

The convenience and usefulness of podcasts is what makes podcasts the future of entertainment in the form of sound.

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Why Is Comedy Crucial For Stress Relieve? – Laughter from comedy is widely recognized as the most effective stress reliever. Not only that, but laughing offers a variety of additional health advantages. So, how can laughter be beneficial to one’s mental health? The discussion may be found in the following article.

Stress is a prevalent disease that lead by various factors, including family issues, work pressure, personal relationships, and financial difficulties. Laughing is a good technique to relieve tension. Laughter may make you feel happy. Thus it can lift a dark mood and make it brighter.

Comedy Has the Power to Relieve Stress

Laughter can alleviate stress for a variety of reasons, including:

1. Endorphin production

Comedy which lead to laughter can cause the body to produce endorphins, which function as mood elevators. Furthermore, laughter helps lower the stress chemicals cortisol and adrenaline.

2. Soothing effect

Because stress causes the muscles in the body to tighten, you may complain of being fatigued and uninterested. Laughter relaxes the body’s muscles and boosts blood circulation, reducing stress.

3. Increase the body’s oxygen supply

Laughter can boost the amount of oxygen-rich air that enters the lungs. This can help you deal with your stress. As a result, if you are short of breath due to stress, try to relax and find anything to make you chuckle.

4. Raise your heart rate

Laughter may both raise and drop blood pressure. This will improve your mood and help you feel calmer, reducing stress.

5. Improving one’s standard of living

Long-term pharmaceutical usage can induce weariness and stress in patients with certain conditions. Laughter is said to make it simpler for people to accept unpleasant situations and connect with others.

As a result, laughing can make cancer patients more excited about enduring a course of therapies.

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How to Find a Good Source of Laughter (Comedy)

Laughter, although having the function of reducing tension, has limitations so that it becomes a constructive activity and does not damage the sentiments of others around you. Here are some pointers for discovering jokes so you can laugh:

  • When you’re in a stressful position, you may use the internet to view cartoons, read comics, or watch comedies that will help you chuckle.
  • Telling amusing stories to family or friends when you get together may create a happier mood, allowing you to laugh more readily.
  • Try playing with your pet since their gestures might sometimes make you chuckle.
  • Friends can send each other brief notes or amusing pictures.
  • Understand what is and is not humorous; for example, do not laugh at other people’s stories.
  • You may be able to gain a new perspective on the tension you’re feeling after laughing. This can help you get through another challenging period while cultivating optimistic attitudes.

However, suppose you frequently encounter stress and find it difficult to deal with it. You should see a psychologist or psychiatrist, especially if you have specific health conditions. A psychiatrist or psychologist will assess and treat you based on the condition you are experiencing.

Relieving Stress By Watching Comedy Movies

If you have a lot on your mind and are prone to stress, viewing comedy movies may be a good way to relax. According to stress specialists, viewing comedies is quite excellent for your health. Indeed, comedy films may be a pleasant way to relieve mental tiredness.

That’s because viewing a comedy film may provide emotional pleasure, and the effect is amplified when you watch it with others. Laughter also encourages the production of beneficial things both physiologically and psychologically, such as lowering stress hormones and raising endorphins, which aid in disease resistance.

Laughter can also provide beneficial physical exercise. When you laugh, the muscles in your face and your heart and lungs receive a workout. Laughter may distract you from unpleasant feelings and even work your lungs.

Another advantage of laughing is that it strengthens the immune System. Negative thoughts can cause a chemical reaction in the body, increasing the pressure on your System. On the other hand, positive thinking can assist battle stress and lower the chance of acquiring a more serious condition.

Laughing can alleviate pain by causing the body to manufacture natural pain medications. According to health and psychology specialists, the average adult laughs just 15 times daily.

This is a very modest precaution because everyday situations might make you anxious. As a result, viewing comedy flicks is the ideal stimulation for making you laugh even more.

Aside from the cinematic aspect, there are various more reasons why comedy films might help you release stress, such as:

1. Watch with Family or Friends

The reduction in stress levels caused by comedy films is also affected by who you watch them with. The stress reduction is considerable when you watch it with your closest friends or family. The explanation is that sharing laughter with loved ones can boost endorphin performance even more.

2. Alone Watch

That is not to say that watching comedy films alone is not advisable. It is recommended that you watch humor alone at times. This setting may be used to reflect and experience flashbacks about what you’ve done as well as sorrowful situations. Even though people are social beings, being strong and standing alone in dealing with challenges is a duty and a requirement for humans.

3. Frequency of viewing

The more you watch comedy films, the stronger your sense of humor will become. You can relax more and look at things more positively. Furthermore, adopting moral teachings so that they might be smarter and less passionate in their responses to everything.

Bottom Line

Everybody uses pleasure in a different manner. Everyone has at least one comedy program they regularly watch when they need to lift their spirits. Serotonin and other pleasant chemicals are released when we watch comedy, which makes us feel more at ease according to

Even if it may not be the greatest treatment, laughing has several positive effects on your body and mind. Additionally, you may get funny entertainment everywhere by using social media, YouTube, or going to live comedic performances.

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